

Thirty years experience

With over thirty years of experience in the fertility and assistedreproductive technologies, with an extensive team of professionals and with its unique “holistic approach”, CFA is able to accompany the couple through each stage of their incredible journey“in search for a child”– from the first interviews to birth – proving to be the ideal partner for anyone who wants to make the dream of parenthood come true.

How do we make a difference?

We make the dream of parenthood come true

CFA strives to be the place (not just physical) in which each couple can receive the advice, the support, the information and the right tools to make their dream come true: having a baby. Nutrition, psychology, science, gynecology, andrology intermingle at CFA creating a complete and “holistic” approach which – in addition to guaranteeing the maximum success rates – contributes to spreading a new“culture of fertilization”in which conception is not a mere goal to be achieved, but the result of a journey to discover oneself and one’s potential.

What’s our goal?

To be the complete transparent and professional partner for every couple that desires a baby

CFA was born from the passion for research and science to give a significant contribution to the most dignified purpose in the world: to give birth to children. When a couple first desire for a pregnancy they never imagine that they may not be able to fulfil their wish. This is why CFA drives to support fertility services which througha complete and integrated proposal is able to: – create the culture of fertility – assist couples before, during and after Loss – And, finally, to identify, diagnose and resolve any infertility problems.

It is fundamental to have the services, on site, of essential complementary professionals – biologists, psychologists, embryologists, nutritionists, gynecologists, andrologists – for anyone who wants a child.

What do we believe in?

Focus on the patient : we always try to fully understand your necessities, your frustrations and worries, your goals and desires. We are always ready to welcome you, listen and respond to any perplexities, turning your insecurities to renewed confidence.

Team work: is the formula for our success! The holistic approach, on which our proposal is based could not exist without efficient teamwork, through which different professionals come together in achieving the same goal. Organization, sharing of information and professionalism allows us to work in synergy, to be able to evaluate each case at 360 degrees, taking into consideration all aspects, from every perspective.

Humanity: is a necessary characteristic to work with the dreams and hopes of others. This is why we are always ready to listen, offering in a timely manner, our understanding and our availability, so that the patient feels welcome and considered. We believe in the right of every patient to know with accuracy and maximum transparency all the information useful to make their own choices, because for us, humanity means being loyal, telling the truth, keeping promises, building – together with the patient- a path based on trust and compassion.

Competence: we are experts in our field and we know in depth the subject we deal with. We know that every little detail can take on great importance and, for this reason, we pay the utmost attention to details, proceeding with organization and efficiency. For us, competence equals professionalism, as we believe that our knowledge is only truly valuable when used effectively, scrupulously, consistently and seriously.

National and International Authorizations

Authorized for gamete donation by the National Transplant Center

Present in the European Compendium of Tissue Institutes – code IT011377

Authorized for MAP by the Higher Institute of Health – n. 150066

Center insured with AMTRUST Clinics Policy N .: IITPMM1900242

Authorized by the municipality of Naples Prot. 98 of 11/10/18 to be present as a clinic in the Campania Region
